
A vanilla-JS financial amount input control. Supports the following features -

Try it!


See an example finput here

Install package

npm install finput

Initialise input

To initialise the finput, simply pass the element and any options into the finput constructor.
The function returned is the cleanup function which removes all the added finput listeners from the input, making it act like the default browser input once again.

var destroy = finput(element, options);
destroy();  // Stops finput behaviour



Type: Number
Default: 2

Maximum number of decimal digits the value can take


Type: Number
Default: ALL

The possible range of values that the value can take

Possible Values:


Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true, after focus is lost value is formatted to scale number of decimal places


Type: string
Default: ,
The character used to separate thousands in the formatted value. E.g. 1,000


Type: string
Default: .
The character used for the decimal point


Type: Object { character: multiplier }
Default: { 'k': 1000, 'm': 1000000, 'b': 1000000000 }
An object mapping of shortcuts that the user can use to quickly enter common values. E.g. with the default shortcuts, typing k will multiply the number value by 1000

Accessing input value

The formatted value (the inputs value) and raw numeric value can be access directly on the dom element as follows:
Formatted value - element.value (the normal input value)
Raw numeric value - element.rawValue

Install Dependencies

npm install -g grunt-cli npm install


grunt serve

Running tests

Build and run the server -

grunt serve

WITH browserstack

Set browserstack config

Execute the tests -

grunt test:browserstack

WITHOUT browserstack

Install and run an instance of webdriver e.g. -

npm run webdriver update npm run webdriver start

Execute the tests -

npm run test